Category Archives: Administrative

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Palin Punches Out; other matters

From The American Thinker:

There is a point in tournament poker where one player doesn’t have the chips to play out the next raise, but they have great cards, so they call “all in.” At that point, nobody can raise them and the hand gets played out — either to a game changing win or a total loss for the person who made the call. It appears Sarah Palin decided she and her family could no longer deal with the thousand cuts, so she is “all in.”

One of the best articles I’ve seen on the surprise story of the weekend; I recommend reading it in full.

Meanwhile, if I have any readers left out there on RSS, I suppose I owe you a bit of an explanation.

Since the beginning of the year, I have been working on a new project. Bloggers can’t save the world, the country, or even Houston. It’s going to take people working hard and making things happen. Tea parties are only a start, and there are some things that I just can’t do as “Ubu Roi.”

I hate letting the blog lie fallow, and I may be back here from time to time — the city is in bad shape right now, as anyone who reads blogHOUSTON should know, but our elected “leaders”, especially the Mayor, continue to dig the hole deeper. In another six years, at this pace, Houston is going to be a Left Coast basket case. We’re spending our savings down, and borrowing to pay the house note and groceries, while adding a new plasma-screen TV, and that’s just not sustainable. There will be a reckoning, and it’s going to be ugly.

Nonetheless, I’ve been called on to take a bigger role in my public ID, so this blog is going to have to remain a very small part of my activity in the future. I’ll write when I can, that’s all I can promise.

What the Hell Happened Around Here?

Well, it’s simple really. I was hacked. Badly. The stuff over at Bridgebunnies was nothing compared to this mess. (Although I shouldn’t say that… I’ve still got to fix that one.) It took me the better part of three days and a lot of help from the host to resolve the issue. Hosting Matters finally had to nuke it down to the roots, completely eliminating the files and databases, then restoring it from backups. Then I had to go digging, and found the files that compromised my security, which as it happened, one was older than the backup — it may have been here for as much as a year. After that, I finally upgraded, changed my password, and deleted about 75 bogus users. If you find that you can’t comment, when you used to be able to, that’s why. I’ve closed registrations for a while too. I’ll reopen them eventually, but not just yet. Got a few other security holes to plug first, and then I want to restore the appearance — or maybe improve it.

Edit: and any pictures I had up are gone for the time being, until I get around to restoring them.

I hate site hackers….

Rumor Control

Well, here I go being barely active again. I really haven’t been “into” regular blogging lately; even my anime blog is suffering. I have all these ideas during the day, and when I get home, it’s like all the determination has been sucked out of me. If my home is activating my lazy streak, maybe I should move?

Nah… too much work.

More seriously: As I’ve written Houblog over the last 3 years, I’ve tried to ensure that I have reported factual data. Whenever possible, I’ve posted links to source material, or posted scans of original documents. My rule of thumb has always been, if I can’t verify it (and obscure the origin enough to keep myself and any source off the hotseat) I won’t write about it. From time to time, I pick up bits and pieces of information that I just can’t verify. Most often, this is because I can’t investigate enough to verify, without drawing attention to myself at work. (Needless to say, the only place I want attention because of the blog is on the blog.) And sometimes there isn’t any original source material. So I’ve let these go by, even when I wanted to write about them badly. I’m sure that’s cost me a lot of potential posts over the last few years.

Starting tomorrow, I’m going to change that policy. I’m establishing a new topic: “Rumor Control.” Items under this topic/category should not be considered 100% accurate. In fact, they may be completely inaccurate, and they’re definitely unverified. All they are is what I have picked up from the grapevine, nothing more, and nothing less. Not personal gossip; I have no interest in that, and if you’re the type that does, you’re reading the wrong blog anyway. If I have a sense of the rumor’s veracity, I’ll indicate what I think of it, but that’s about the limit.

I think they’ll be of occasional interest. At the very least, they’ll be mildly diverting. Tomorrow morning, I’ll post the first of these….about the fallout behind the firing of a Utility Customer Service assistant manager who was scamming people.

In the meantime, I’d like to leave you with a line heard in a (probably union financed) commercial supporting COH employees:

“The guy scooping out your sewer makes less than the guy scooping your Ben & Jerry’s ice cream!”

Edit: Let me make it clear, the new category is for the purpose of reporting items that I feel it may be in the public interest for them to be spotlighted. It is not for the purpose of airing “dirty laundry” or gossip.

E-Mail is Here, Wish I Was Fine

First off, I’d like to apologize to everyone who has been trying to send me email for the last two or three months, only to get a bounce message. I finally tracked down the problem tonight, with a mere 5 minutes of work. I kept looking at it, off and on for the last two weeks, but nothing clicked. I finally realized that the major problem with the mailserver was that the admin is a total idiot, and incompetent to boot.

Yes, I mean me.

You see, when I set up Houblog v.1 under Post-Nuke, I also got an e-mail account, administered using the host’s toolkit, and I tested it by sending an email to myself, using u#bu at ho#ubl# og. co# m (Sorry about the spaces and #, but I’m spoofing harvesters, of course) and I got it, so all was good with the world. Unfortunately, over the next two years, I also got more and more spam, and the tools included in the mailserver were totally inadequate — in face, the host admitted they don’t work at all. Joy. Since I wasn’t doing a whole lot with the site as of last fall, I was getting WAY more spam than I was legitimate e-mail. Finally, I got fed up with it and started digging through the tools. Found a lovely setting that would blackhole any mail sent to “Nah,” I decided. “Not mean enough. I want their machine to eat processor cycles discarding my bounce messages too! MUAHAHAHAHAAHAA!” So I set it to bounce instead.

And a funny thing happend. I stopped getting e-mail entirely. Now understand, I was only checking mail here about once every 3 weeks or so by then. I just didn’t want to mess with Houblog, owing to being stressed out. (hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe stressed out. I thought I was stressed out then… hahehehehehehshahahehehehaheehehheheaeahehheaheehehehehahehe *gasp* urk. Ahhhh, excuse me.) Ahem. So, it was quite a bit before I noticed I wasn’t getting any email at all. And I just shrugged and decided “what the hell, I guess everyone forgot about me, between the anime blogging and nothing interesting going on with the city.”

And so things sat, until both Kevin and Tom started fussing that they couldn’t reach me. “Odd, I must have messed up a setting,” I thought. So I logged in and poked around, but never found anything amiss. The bounce is set properly…

If you’re an experienced site admin, you probably saw what went wrong at the beginning. Even if you’re not experienced, the obvious clue is two paragraphs back, and I should have twigged then. But no, I kept mucking around in the dark, when I could have solved the whole problem in about 1/10th the time it’s taken me to type up this article. What a maroon.

When I set up the mail account, I accepted only the default account, which used my site admin ID for the name.
Needless to say, my administrator ID is NOT “ubu”.

All of the email I had ever recieved in that mailbox, I was getting, not because it was adressed to me, but because it was addressed to an invalid mailbox, and the default setting was to dump it in the administrator’s box!

What a fucking maroon.

There is now a mailbox for ubu@ this server. I’ll even check it occasionally, I promise.


Welcome Readers!

Welcome to everyone who clicked through the link on the Chronicle’s new CityHall Blog!

Houblog was started in 2003 as a way for me to vent certain frustrations about the city, but also to alert and educate citizens about their city government, local politics, and how it works. I blog under a pseudonym for fairly obvious reasons, although my time available to do so varies. Burnout isn’t just a work hazard; there’s times when I simply can’t concentrate enough to do the research and write like I should. This led to a season of animé-blogging, which cluttered things up here for several months last fall, until I started to contain that. Since the new year began, I’ve tried to balance my “work” and “play” blogging a bit more evenly.

My politics are libertarian-right (Jacksonian), although I’m not terribly active beyond blogging. I tend to appear too competent for my own good, and get put in charge of something, which I hate.

The agenda writeups that Matt mentions were a regular weekly feature here on Houblog before Kevin talked me into moving them to BlogHouston. I suspended them for several months owing to lack of time (they’re a pain to do!) but resumed them last week. Rather than the complete writeup I was doing before, I’m now hitting only the high points. This week’s was delayed until tonight, owing to real life. See you over there!

Hiatus Update

Just keeping everyone posted on the state of affairs. I did not get as much done yet as I’d hoped, largely because of Magic the Gathering Addiction. This was the weekend of the Time Spiral Pre-release, so I spent Saturday and Sunday (after doing a few things around the house) shopping and playing. I only bought a few packs of cards because I’m pretty tight right now (more about that later). Most of the money went for entry fees into two tourneys. I was late both days and that’s all I could get into. I went 2-2-drop in the sixth flight (sealed deck) on the first day, and then eliminated in the first round of a booster draft on the second day. (For the uninitiated, the contest was to open packs of random cards and assemble winning decks from them.) This performanceis about what I expected–maybe better, since I’m just getting back in after being mostly out since just after Fallen Empires (about 6 years?).

Last weekend was “work on the car weekend� during which I took care of some deferred maintenance, so I haven’t made much progress in splitting the blogs yet. Originally, I planned to just put the anime blog in a subdomain named Omoikane, after the ship on Nadescio. Then, while debating blog names with Steven Den Beste (no, I didn’t take any of his oddball suggestions on Chizumatic!) and getting some help in Japanese, one name occurred to me that I was sure had to be taken. I checked just to be certain—thinking I’d discover a new anime blog, and maybe it would have some cheesecake.

Boy, was I wrong – to my surprise, no one had registered “â€? But….but! I know I saw it somewhere! What an oversight! Impossible! Sacré bleu! (Ugh, time to go wash my mouth out, I spoke French.) Anyway, I immediately fixed that terrible, terrible error. The internet must have bridge bunnies! While I was at it, I also grabbed “bridgebunnies.netâ€? and “,â€? for good measure, so copycats are going to have to settle for something else; “.tv” would be appropriate. (I finally remembered where I saw it: “Bridge Bunnies on My Mindâ€? is one of the rotating titles on Jason Miao’s site.)

This left me in a quandary, because I kind of liked one of the titles I’d worked out with the invaluable assistance of Steven DenBeste and his friend HC. Before I go any further, I want to extend warm thanks to both of them for their help with the Japanese language and blog name suggestions. Thanks a bunch guys!

I was looking for something just a bit silly and over the top involving anime genres, but Magical Battle-Android Maid Girls just didn’t flow too well in English or Japanese: “Mahou Sentou you Andoroido Meido Shoujoâ€? is a bit long and unwieldy. Trying to tack Meganekko onto that somewhere was just overkill. So at Steven’s suggestion, what I settled on is Mahou Medio Meganekko (Magical Maid ‘Glasses-Girl’) which will be appearing soon at, .net, and info. I think Omoikane will survive as a subdirectory for screencaps or something. It’s going to be a bit of a complicated setup, because I’m going to try to strip all the anime posts from Houblog and move them over there. Fixing the screencap URL’s is going to be stone cold beyotch. I don’t see any way to easily do it (writing a script is beyond my pitiful PHP skills), and anyway, the database structure will be different, as I plan to start the new blog with WP 2.0.4. Unfortunately, this will probably cause me to lose most of the comments as well, since they’ll be as difficult to move as the posts. Still, it will finally split the politics from the anime/gaming/etc. It’s always been a touch bizarre as match-ups go–sort of like Fred Astaire and Anna Nicole Smith. It boggles the mind.

You know, I wonder…. Since I’m a government employee, can I get I could claim to be the Emperor in an alternate dimension—how’s ICANN going to disprove it?

It could work….

UPDATE: Addon-domains don’t work like I thought they did. I thought it would appear to anyone from outside the site as a completely separate site; it would just use the same hosting account and resources as Houblog. Instead, it takes anyone typing in and points them to the subdirectory and subdomain “bridgebunnies”; thus the viewer would see So I deleted it while I try to decide whether I’m going to spring for another account or not. Originally, that was my plan when I was going to go with, and I don’t suppose there’s any difference between that and And it would be much simpler if I didn’t have to move all the pictures from one site to another. But the reason I went with the domain name (outside of the fact that such a cool one was still available) was that Houblog and anime really don’t go together, and I wanted to separate the names, not just the blogs.

Sigh. Time to go look at hosting plans. Dammit, this hobby is starting to cost money. Correction: this hobby is also starting to cost money.

Ok, I am now totally confused. I purchased a new hosting plan to set up a second site, but when I log into the cpanel on it, the URL says bridgebunnies, but the cpanel says I’m in Houblog! All the databases, disk usage, stats, etc are from it. Jeez, that’s almost what I wanted in the first place…

Whatever the problem was, it’s fixed now. They’re seperated. Might have been an issue with my browser, or it might have been that they didn’t finish the setup until the invoice payment cleared. Weird. Edit: only now the placekeeper page has disappeared, and Fantastico won’t run; cpanel claims it can’t find it. And the move to a PHP 5+ server is still pending, but I can live with that; I don’t expect it to happen until tomorrow or later. I did want to get WP set up tonight though….

And they’ve got all three issues fixed by 11 am, when I only notified them of the last two just before 9 am. Hosting Matters just has great service, what can I say?

On Hiatus for a Month?

Well, if you’ve been asking yourself, “What’s with all the animé? Where did the politics go on Houblog?” you seriously need to stop asking yourself questions that should have been addressed to me. I had started a long drawn-out explanation-by-way-of-apology, but frankly, who wants to read all that crap?

Here’s the short version: I’m stressing out due to real-life issues. Work, home, illness, etc. Serious posting takes a serious mindset, and the more stressed I have gotten, the more I’ve run away from being serious. Animé has been my big escape, to the point that it’s started dominating Houblog, which was never my intent. And in the last week or two, the stress has doubled and then some; to the point that I’ve been nearly incapacitated.

The only thing I can do is scale back my optional committments, and pretty much, that means blogging. I’ve already let the crew over at blogHOUSTON know that I’m taking some time off from posting there, and now I’m filling in my readers (both of those remaining!) that I’m doing the same here. About a month, which is what I think should be necessary for the non-optional things to settle down. I hope, anyway.

I’m not abandoning Houblog, or blogging in general. While I won’t be posting, I’m still going to be commenting over at bH, and on a few animé sites as well. I’m also going to be working behind the scenes here to do something I’ve been mulling over for some time: I’m going to split Houblog in two. Animé and politics just don’t mix that well, and I’m going to move the first to a new site, which I plan to be a subdomain of Houblog, just for the sake of simplicity (and cost, since I’ve yet to make a dime off any blegging here.) That way, when I take off on a run of posts about either local politics (and there’s so much going on there!) or animé, the other audience needn’t groan and wonder why they clicked on my link today.

So, although I might get bored and post a comment here, in all likelihood, you won’t see regular posting from me until sometime in October. Everyone take care, and keep the fires burning ’til I get back!

Updating a Few Things

I just added two more websites to the links at the left, and bumped three. Welcome aboard to Riuva and Baboon Pirates! Sayonara to OfftheKuff, Ann Coulter, and People’s Republic of Seabrook. Ann’s “crazy conservative lady” act has gotten old, OffTheKuff has fallen into total soc-lib moonbattery, not to mention supporting Carol Alvarado, and I’ve never been able to figure out PRoS — got bored with trying. Parody or serious? Enh. Who cares anymore?

The main thing that got an update is the Collected Anime Reviews page. I’ve done a number of articles that never got added to it, and entire sections of my collection were still missing. I added a lot of the AWOL series and more commentary on series that I haven’t done full reviews of, in addition to fixing a few other things. I also updated my animé order, seeing as I sent in a new one yesterday. Hopefully winging (or rather, rolling) its way too me soon will be:

Dual — Parallel Adventure (boxed set) — I checked out several reviews and all of them agree that it’s a cross between Tenchi Muyo and Neon Genesis Evangelion, yet one that could stand on its own. This tells me that either it’s obviously true, that the reviewers all copied each other, or they all took payoffs from Pioneer. If it’s the latter, am I too late to get in on that gig? It’s got a really cool OP theme; reminds me a bit of Neutron Dance from the first Beverly Hills Cop movie.

Godannar #6 & 7 — This will finally finish off this series. I’m not really expecting a lot besides fan service, but it would be nice if a mediocre series finished strong for once, instead of the pattern of crappy endings I’ve been running into lately with Scrapped Princess, Mars Daybreak, etc. Well, I wouldn’t argue that Divergence Eve ended badly. It was one of those shows that you reach the end and go “Whew! Oh my God, what a ride!” Don’t think I want to repeat it; in fact I haven’t brought myself to rewatch the first scene yet. Or seriously think about ordering Misaki Chronicles. I haven’t seen a horror movie this disturbing since Alien3. And this was much better.

Starship Operators #2 — Speaking of sub-par endings, this sure had one. Oh well, the middle of the series is pretty strong.

Shifting Emphasis

Well, anyone who follows the local blog scene has probably already seen the announcement over at BlogHouston: I am accepting Kevin’s invitation to join their staff as a contributing writer. That is going to mean some changes to Houblog as well. Primarily, my “city-oriented” posts, including the agenda summaries, will be moving to BlogHouston. I’ll still be posting on the city here, but it will be more along the line of opinion pieces, the really snarky stuff, union advertisements, and brief one-liner comments. This means that, while my total posting won’t increase, Houblog readers will find a proportionally smaller amount of local “news” here as opposed to opinion, national/world scope stuff, general interest, and yes, anime!

Hardcore political junkies will probably still need to keep an eye on Houblog, since BlogHouston isn’t the proper place for my longer, rambling posts where I delve into the background and history of the city’s politics, but for more immediate, news-driven commentary and analysis, well, that’s going to be over at BlogHouston now.

Good Start to the Weekend

Hey, I got a third reader!


Today we start the Baker blog. There are some amazing savvy bloggers in the Houston area and I hope to eventually be as good as them. I will provide links to my favorites like, and which offer brilliant analysis covering local news and happenings in our city.

Nice bit of cheering up. I needed it after the last couple of days. Sometimes my job is filled with people almost as smart as one of Laurence’s customers.

On the other hand, then there’s folks who want me to call them in Buttcrackistan and talk them through something when a simple screen capture of the screen image will clinch what their issue is. You know, because I can’t see over their shoulder.

Nope. They want me to call them. Tying up five microwave relays, two satellites, and a network of tin cans strung across goat herds is their idea of a good time, apparently.

Only in my case it’s more like “Sir, you’ve been out of compliance for two years. This isn’t exactly an obscure rule, we’ve been sending you notices every month for TWO YEARS. We know you got them because we’ve got a record of you calling on such-and-such-a-date.”

Babble, babble, babble.

“Yes and I’m sure they’re all very cute kids and it’s a damn shame we’ve called down hellfire and damnation so that you can never feed them again — unless you do this one teensy-weensy little thing that the rest of our customers find possible.”

Babble, babble, babble.

“Let me get this straight. You’re objecting to us enforcing the VERY well-known rules?”

Babble, babble, babble.

“I’m sure Marvin will be pleased to hear from you. Give him my regards.”

I wish I could really answer them like that.

(As usual, I’m being a little obscure as to what I’m talking about here. If you’re thinking “why are you being such jerks about some stupid regulation,” believe me, if I specified it, you’d be asking how the holy hell we let them go for 2 years. Laurence can talk trash about his customers becasue there’s a number of companies he could be working for. There’s only one City of Houston, and it would probably take a dim view of even this much glasnost, komrade!)

In other news, I found some information on those “limited” annexations, and I’m working on making it available to blog with this weekend. However, I’m going to be spending time tinkering under the hood (I may upgrade to WP 2.0.3) so I may be slow posting. Or I may FUBAR the site completely. Any bets?

A Little Something New

So for the last couple of weeks, I’ve mentioned a little project that I’ve been working on that took time away from blogging, and that it was related to possibly supporting and expanding the Houblog “empire.” Well, several days ago, I quietly premiered it without saying anything. (Mainly because I was feeling under the weather and not up to writing even a short post.) If you’ve been wondering, and even if you haven’t, that little green flashing box over to the right is definately it: The Houblog Store is now open for business!

Items for sale are a fairly eclectic mix, reflecting the subjects of this site: Houston, immigration, rail, and animé. I’ll be adding more things as I go along, but for now, I can only have one of each type. If you see something on one style of shirt that you’d like to see on another, drop me a line and I’ll see if I can accomodate you. If business is brisk, I’ll expand the line a lot more.

Yeah, Slow Posting

And I don’t expect it to change much for the rest of this week. Feeling under the weather. I’ve had energy to drop a few comments here and there on other blogs (and one post for tomorrow) but that’s about it.

Definately a few things to gripe about over the last week. The press’ Fifth Column’s horrible behavior over the Memorial Day holiday, the Council saddling us with red-light cameras and an illegal alien employement center. Oddly, only KHOU considers it worthy of it’s own article.

So much to complain about, so little energy to work with.

Happy Holiday! (and Sneak Preview)

I’ll be going out of town this weekend for a 2-person anime bash with Dr. Heinous, so there won’t be a lot of posting going on. In betwen episodes of mass panties, though, I’ll be hard at work on the laptop putting the final touches on that special project I’ve mentioned a few times.

Just to hold you though the holidays, here’s a sneak preview.

Everyone have a safe and happy holiday! (And if not, avoid traveling on the same roads as me, ok?)

Spam Update

Akismet now installed. Let’s see how much crap gets through it I’ve had 529 spam comments in the last few days. Moderation duties were bad enough, but deleting the damned notice e-mails was driving me nuts.

Update 5/22: It’s rocking so far. Caught about 300 spam comments with about 5% false negatives and no false positives. The negatives land in the usual moderation queue and I delete them from there.